Sweetwater's Katana Setup Guide : No-nonsense Katana setup guide from Sweetwater. BOSS Katana Discord Server : Tones and talk over on Discord. Katana patch exchange : Download, request, and upload Katana patches. VGuitar Forums : they've got a pretty good Katana board with several topics. Control your Katana from your phone or tablet. Katana Librarian Android app : it's like BOSS Tone Studio for your Android device. GT Fx FloorBoard : a more robust alternative to ToneStudio. Sneaky Amps How-to : Access more amp models and effects, already hidden in your amp!. Free Boss Katana Patches Facebook Group : Free patches, recording tips, and lots of discussion. Juca Nery, Facebook Group and Website: A great Facebook community and resource for Katana owners and guitar enthusiasts created by the premiere professional Katana tone creator. #BOSS KATANA 50 MANUAL MANUALS#
Katana Artist: manuals - drivers and Tone Studio.
Katana Head: manuals - drivers and Tone Studio.Katana 100/212: manuals - drivers and Tone Studio.Katana 100: manuals - drivers and Tone Studio.Katana 50: manuals - drivers and Tone Studio.BOSS's Live Sets : Hopefully these continue to be updated.BOSS Tone Central : BOSS's tone library service.Katana Mini: manuals - drivers and Tone Studio.Katana Artist MkII: manuals - drivers and Tone Studio.Katana Head MkII: manuals - drivers and Tone Studio.Katana 100/212 MkII: manuals - drivers and Tone Studio.Katana 100 MkII: manuals - drivers and Tone Studio.
Katana 50 MkII: manuals - drivers and Tone Studio.