When the next major RIFT™ update hits early this summer, subscribers will be treated to a surprise – free character transfers. Gather your friends in RIFT and play anywhere, any time I hope this gets attentions, i love your game and i love trion.",Banter,False,self,t5_2s4an,False,riftbanter,True,t3_1gr6bg,ġ306166835.0,101,self.Rift,hi4jv,Rift to offer Free Character Transfers,Bardlet,110,9,49,"RIFT™ TO OFFER FREE CHARACTER TRANSFERS Even before Rift went F2P many friends didnt Sub because there was no ELV, its a huge thing in germany and you are missing on a lot of Money if your not Supporting it like WoW for example. Please help us giving you Money trion and add a ELV or atleast Paysafecard option. Me and all of my friends that started playing now Have no option to support you and buy something in the Shop. You have to know that maybe 10% of Germans own a Credit Card so its not a Option for us and many people dont have or dont want to use Paypal. I play Rift for 2 Years and me and my friend always had to buy Gamecards from onlineshops with paysafecard because Rift is not supporting ELV ( The most popular online payment method in germany) and neither Paysafecard. Trion Worlds, you are now amongst my most respected of game companies. We are grateful for the support that you have shown for RIFT by purchasing our game and hope you enjoy this additional game time.

No change will be made to the subscription plan you have chosen. If you have an active subscription plan, your first billing date will be postponed/delayed by an additional thirty days. This additional game time will automatically be credited to your account - you do not need to do anything. We understand that, at this time, you may have more immediate priorities than playing RIFT, so we have credited your Trion Worlds account with an additional thirty (30) days of RIFT game time. We hope that you and your family are safe and well. Trion Worlds, with the rest of the world, has been following the unprecedented events in Japan. (xpost from r/gaming)",sat0pi,220,37,36,"I live in Japan, and today I open my e-mail to see this mail from Trion Worlds about my subscription: Created_utc,score,domain,id,title,author,ups,downs,num_comments,selftext,link_flair_text,over_18,thumbnail,subreddit_id,edited,link_flair_css_class,author_flair_css_class,is_self,name,url,distinguishedġ301357406.0,183,self.Rift,gdj7w,"Trion Worlds, you just blew my mind.